Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle and non-invasive therapy which evaluates, enhances and treats the functioning of a physiological system called the Craniosacral system. The Craniosacral system comprises of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Using gentle and non-invasive techniques to correct both sutural restrictions within the cranial bones and membranous restrictions, the functioning of the Craniosacral system is enhanced which supports and improves the functioning of the nervous system.

Craniosacral Therapy was pioneered and developed by Osteopathic Physician Dr. John E. Upledger following extensive scientific studies from 1975-1983 at Michigan State University where he served as clinical researcher and Professor of Biomechanics.

By supporting, facilitating and complementing the body's self-corrective processes CST is used as a preventative health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease and is effective for a wide range of conditions and medical problems. 

CST for Paediatric & Obstetric Care

CST is a widely used and significant resource in the area of Paediatric and Obstetric care.

Pregnancy and the birthing process bring significant change and transition to many aspects of the physiology and self. There are times when the body does not regain its physiological balance. This can often be the case when restriction or trauma occurs, whether through complications occurring during pregnancy, or a challenging or traumatic delivery involving physical and emotional shock to the nervous system. The body adapts and compensates as best it can however the sooner the trauma, shock or restriction are facilitated to release the easier it is for physiological, endocrine and emotional balance to be achieved.

CST assists the pregnant woman along her journey into mothering by supporting and releasing restrictions through the Craniosacral system and pelvis to support an optimal birthing experience. CST is both an important and significant resource Postpartum where the mother may be experiencing Post - Natal Depression, musculoskeletal dysfunction and emotional stress.

Newborns benefit from CST because of the intense pressures on the cranium and body during the birthing process. CST for infants in the early postpartum period can prevent numerous breastfeeding challenges by enhancing their tongue thrust, sucking reflex and latch. Infants born by Caesarean or instrument delivery can often experience stress due to the unnatural forces that their bodies have experienced. Stress though the Craniosacral system, the cranial bones and associated membranes can occur as the infant did not experience a natural delivery as nature intended. A natural birthing process establishes physiological balance through the Craniosacral system and its associated membranes and cranial bones. Patterns such as colic, reflux, digestive and bowel dysfunction, poor sleep patterns, crying and unsettled behaviour can stem from a stressful or traumatic delivery which leaves stress and tension through the Craniosacral system and associated membranes and cranial bones and in turn the nervous system. CST is both very important and valuable for the baby in assisting in the release of these restrictive patterns before they prolong later into life.

CST for Children & Adolescents

CST is also effective in the treatment and management of a wide range of conditions in children and adolescents including anxiety disorders, tourette syndrome, sleep disturbances, bed-wetting (enuresis), auditory issues, behavioural and emotional difficulties, adolescent withdrawal and depression, Dyslexia and Dyspraxia, ADD / ADHD and Autism.

Somato Emotional Release

Somato Emotional Release (SER) is a therapeutic process that uses and expands upon the principles of Craniosacral Therapy to facilitate and support the physiology and mind to release the residual effects of emotional and physical trauma.

The development of the SER concept was pioneered by Dr.John E. Upledger during extensive research in the late 1970s at Michigan State University where the efficacy of CranioSacral Therapy for the treatment of Childhood Autism was being researched.

Following from this, observation of the SER process suggested that independent retention of the memory, experience and energy of both physical and emotional trauma is frequently accomplished by the physiology, it’s tissues and viscera.

In his years of clinical research Dr. Upledger observed that there are times when physiological, mental or emotional symptoms present in
the patient would not fully release until the emotional component of both the tissue and their experience was supported and taken care of. The memory and legacy of emotional and physical trauma can have both a depleting and negative effect on our physiological and mental health. This is particularly relevant to the patient’s ability to experience positive change and transition when destructive emotions such as unresolved anger, fear and guilt are present. This can often be the case for example in Chronic Illness, Mental Health conditions such as Anxiety States, Depression and Post -Traumatic Stress Disorder, as well as in many sub - clinical patterns such as poor immunity, fatigue etc.

In considering how best to assist and support the link between the physiological and emotional component of the tissues, Dr Upledger expanded upon principles and techniques of Craniosacral Therapy to include Therapeutic dialogue into the treatment process. The process gradually developed into what he called Somato Emotional Release.

Somato Emotional Release can perhaps be considered to be the core of Craniosacral Therapy as it encompasses both the physiological and emotional component of the patient’s experience providing the patient with a therapeutic space in which they are supported and facilitated to work through their process. This very often opens the gateway for profound change, enhanced self- awareness and evolvement for the patient.

 Conditions Treated

• Migraine / Headaches
• Colic / Reflux
• Chronic Neck & Back pain
• Whiplash
• Central Nervous System Disorders
• Vertigo
• Sinus
• Multiple Sclerosis
• Parkinson's Disease
• Anxiety Disorders / Panic disorder
• Tourette Syndrome

• Pre & Post Natal Obstretic Care
• Post - Traumatic Stress Disorder
• Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries / Head Trauma
• Spinal Cord Injuries
• Infantile Disorders
• Depression / Post -Natal depression
• Chronic Fatigue
• Autism & Autistic Spectrum
• Insomnia / Sleep Disturbances
• Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
• Motor-Coordination Impairments
• Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia
• Stress & Tension related problems

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